I like long walks on the beach, going to… Erm… Sorry wrong description. I am a father, former firefighter, emt, and gamer.

Thank you for stopping by my site! My gamer name is t3r0 (read: Tero) and yes I’m an actual Firefighter / EMT. I have over a decade of experience in emergency services, and medicine in and out of a hospital setting. As such, I strongly support all emergency services and military.

If you have any questions just ask! The only question I wont answer is “What was your worst…” (Pro tip: no responder likes that question as we spend a lot of time trying to forget those – rather unsuccessfully at that.)

So why the site? The site is meant to be a place for people to find out more information about me, my supporters and sponsors, as well as a place to find multiple resources to help people.